FC 15 - Those Hippies

I know. I know. These Friday comics are kind of a non-sequitor when I'm travelling; everyone expects tales of palm trees, beaches, and other wonderfulness and instead I post some goofy drawing. Well, this week's comic combines both the goofy drawing and tales of my adventures, with perhaps a slightly comical twist.

Again, my gracious hostess is the featured artist of the week and again she provided much of the inspiration. I am afraid I have to apologize for the quality of the image: MS Paint strikes again*.
Thursday January 17 2008File under: comic

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FC 14 - An Unfortunate Discovery

This week's comic get the prize for the most difficult to get posted. On a dial-up connection, trying to scan an image on a computer with Windows ME*, with the punch line being changed up to the last minute. Even with all that, I'm stoked on it. I hope you are too.

My gracious host here in Yelapa has stepped up to lend her artistic hand this week as well as provide collaboration on phrasing. We literally went through dozens of phrasings before we got tired of trying and went and ate some quesadillas*.

Anyway, without further ado (and before my dial-up connection drops out on me), here we go...
Thursday January 10 2008File under: comic

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FC 13 - Revenge of Rock

Okay, after a brief one-week hiatus that we will attribute to, let's say, the holidays, the Friday Comic series is back in action. For this week's contribution, I went back to our Floridian MS Paint virtuoso Annie. Since she did such a good job with the topic last time, I let her loose on the old roshambo one more time.

As for the coloring job, I must apologize both to Annie who left the duty to my supposed capable hands and to all you readers. My excuses are these: working from an internet cafe, I only have access to MS paint and it turns out that using it is really really hard to do anything at all. It has just raised my appreciation for the work that Annie does. My second excuse is one of format. The color is so ghetto because I tried to save it as a .gif and the conversion from .bmp to .gif didn�t go so well. I would try to redo it, but uploading with an FTP client is kind of a bear.

Anyway, excuses aside, I'm pleased with how it turned out. I hope you like it too. To my commissioned* artists, if you have a pending comic order, I would love for you to send it my way. Just because I am in Mexico doesn't mean that the cogs stop turning.
Thursday January 3 2008File under: comic

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FC 12 - Yo Ho Ho

So here's the story with this one: I stole the idea from a 7-year old kid. Does that make me a bad person? I don't think he fully appreciated the complexity of it anyway. Plus, it is the holiday season so sharing is the order of the day, right? Anyway, I hope you like it.
Friday December 21 2007File under: comic

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FC 11 - Matchless

This week's edition of the Friday Comic series is another cross-continental collaboration. I convinced my friend Sara in Illinois to help me out with this one. (As always, by "help", I mean "do the thing that actually requires artistic talent")*.

Winter really brings the problem of mismatched socks to the forefront. During the summer, you can just match any white sock to any other white sock, or even go sockless*. Wool socks in winter, however, require there very own match. Oh, if I only had the strength to wear mismatched socks in public, life would be so much easier. (Kids, can you say "New Year's Resolution"?)
Thursday December 13 2007File under: comic

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FC 10 - Roshambo

It turns out that my call for submissions last week piqued a few interests which I couldn't be more pleased about. Being able to collaborate with great artists to bring ya'll these comics is quickly becoming a highlight of my week.

What is especially neat about this week's comic, courtesy of Annie down in Florida, is that, if I'm not mistaken, it was drawn completely in Microsoft Paint, possibly the worst drawing program ever made (besides that turtle one back before mouses were invented). Anyway, it just goes to show you how talented some people are.
Thursday December 6 2007File under: comic

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FC 9 - Rocket Scientists

I really like this drawing. Deanna did a great job. I hope I didn't botch it with my paint bucket and cutting and pasting (not to mention speech bubbles, etc.) Anyway, I hope you like it.

What started out as a month long project has now gone 2 full months without an end in sight (unless my artist goes on strike and tries to demand a percentage of the $4.23 I've made off google ads in the last 5 months*). But since there are always weeks when Deanna's too busy or doesn't like any of the ideas I have, I would like to offer the opportunity partner up on a comic or two to anyone else who likes to draw. (You don't have to be good at all. Just look at some of the ones I've put together.) If you're interested, drop me an e-mail via the contact page.
Thursday November 29 2007File under: comic

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FC 8 - Priceless

In honor of Black Friday* (also known as Buy Nothing Day), I present to you this week's comic. In a bit of a change from comics of the past, this is meant more as a political/editorial comic rather than a ha ha comic (although I would like to think that it still might elicit a chortle or snicker (or even perhaps a guffaw)).

Anyhoo, I didn't drag my loyal artist Deanna into this bucket of worms in fear that a'doings might transpire. Besides, I'm getting pretty good at this whole electronic tracing thing (as long as I can find an image of the exact thing or scene I want to portray). Anyway, hopefully we'll be back next Friday with a less controversial comic that can be enjoyed by all (or at least by people who like semi-funny things.)
Thursday November 22 2007File under: comic

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FC7 - Young Love

This week's comic features the artistic double teaming of Deanna on drawing everything and of me clicking approximately 6 times with the paint fill bucket. (Please, Deanna, don't be mad. At first it was just going to be the tree and then I got carried away.)

As always, don't forget to click on the image to see the whole comic and click on the "File Under:" to see other comics in the series.*

Thursday November 15 2007File under: comic

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FC6 - Another Jeopardy Comic

Harkening back to my very first comic idea (and to go with my latest link blog post), I present you this week's Friday comic. As you can no doubt tell, my first string artist is taking the week off, so I had to do the honors again. I kind of like this new style I've developed: not good enough that anyone would mistake me for an actual artist but good enough that you can tell what's going on*.

Anyway, I hope to have the first stringer back in for next week's comic. In the mean time, enjoy. (Oh, and if you haven't figured out yet, you can click on the image to get the full size.)
Thursday November 8 2007File under: comic

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