FC 66 - Curses

I think I've mentioned XKCD before. It bills itself as "A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language." In thinking about this week's comic, I realize it is much influenced by XKCD, hence the mention. Anyway, if you've never checked it out, do. But don't give up after reading a couple that don't make you laugh. As with any comic, not 100% of them are funny. (I'd settle for someone saying half of mine are funny.)

Anyhoo, I'm pleased with how the "art" for this one turned out. I finally found a way to do eyes that don't look overly creepy. Also, I like the new way of doing noses. Two features down, only about 27 to go. Also, you can't even tell that I did this one 100% left handed. Three cheers for ambidexterity!

(Oh, and for the sake of comments*, let's all pretend the inspiration for this one is hypothetical. Super.)
Thursday May 7 2009File under: comic

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FC 65 - We All Wear Disguises

I find it slightly amusing that such a minor difference between two animals can cause such a difference in public opinion. I suppose if doves crapped all over the place and begged for food, we wouldn't be as keen to epitomize them as peace symbols, so maybe the difference is bigger than just color.

Only now, after "drawing", cropping, uploading, etc. am I realizing how this is rather reminiscent of the first comic I ever drew for the Friday Comic series. I'd like that think that my drawing style has come a long way. As for my comedic sense, I'll plead the 5th.

A quote to leave you with:
     "A weed is no more than a flower in disguise."
Thursday April 30 2009File under: comic

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FC 64 - Just Doing My Part

First off, happy Earth Day! I know I am a day or two late but I can't go messing with the Friday Comic schedule*. If you forgot it was Earth Day or weren't able to celebrate it properly, I encourage you to take some time this weekend to do a little something-something (but not turning on the AC with the window open. Or leaving the fridge open.)

Anyway, my standard comic explanation/disclaimer: I didn't really have the people drawing skillz this week*, so I borrowed a few of my previously drawn elements. Ain't cut and paste grand! Please don't think less of me. Or do, as that seems to be the hip trend these day.

Anyway, if you haven't, be sure to check out the dedicated comics page for more drawin' and less yawin'.
Thursday April 23 2009File under: comic

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FC 63 - How Does That Make You Feel

Now that my travels are over with*, it is time to get back to the business as usual. This comic, drawn by East Coast MS Paint virtuoso Annie (with caption suggestion by her beau Sam)*, has been sitting in my inbox since before I left for Taiwan so many weeks ago, making it long overdue for posting. Luckily, once ya'll see it, you'll agree that it's worth the wait.

While I've still got one or two lingering travel posts I'm planning, you can count on your Friday fix of amateur comics resuming for at least a while longer. (Traveling solo lends itself to lots of thinking time which in turn leads to at least a few comic ideas.)

(And if you are just getting into the Friday Comic series, catch up on previous ones in an easy to navigate format here*.)
Friday April 17 2009File under: comic

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FC 62 - Seeing Red

Okay, so maybe the poem isn't nearly as good as most of the ones ya'll have submitted, but once again I had a hoot with the drawing*. But seriously, thanks so much for all your Roses Are Red submissions. I esp. liked the meta-poems (poems about the other poems). Good good times. Feel free to keep submitting up through Saturday, if inspiration strikes you. There are a few folks out there that I know have one stored up. Share it with the world!!*.

So this is going to be the last friday comic for a while,* as I am headed off on another adventure and won't need the filler. There might be one or two that I am inspired to post from the road, but I'm hoping to have lots of stories and pictures to share. I hope to start it back up when I'm back home with little else to post about. If you are hurting for a dose of Friday Comics, check out the page I'm working on for the comics. No defenses, caveats, ramblings, or what have you; just the comic in full. The next free stint I have couple with inspiration, I wanna tidy it up, add it to my ever growing sub-pages, and maybe even spin it off in its own domain*. Until then, have a look through some of the older comics. I am often surprised to hear myself laugh out loud at some of the ones I've forgotten about.
Friday February 13 2009File under: comic


FC 61 - Unseen Forces At Work

Another political comic, but this one has a hint of science in it so that makes it a little better*. I really like how this drawing turned out, with the different colors representing the lighting and shadows, etc. In fact, I've been kind of stoked on my last couple drawings. As for the content, I'm less inclined to put these last couple on my resume.*

I've got a few comics farmed out, so hopefully in the near future we'll be getting some variety, at least in terms of art, if not content. In a quick check, I've drawn 13 of the last 14 comics, quite a far cry from the early days when I did 3 of the first 10. Anyway, I daresay it is time for some variety. Afterall, variety is the spice of life.
Thursday February 5 2009File under: comic

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FC 60 - Old Habits Are Hard To Break

I didn't realize this until after the comic was nearly complete, but I drew this one totally with my left hand. Not bad. Anyhoo, I've got 3 fancy panels this week (although no plot, characters, or storyline. Sorry Hannah). There is, however, a nicely placed Simpsons reference. I hope the idea of this comic comes across right. I ran it by a fellow comician* and she coaxed me to be a little more explanatory. I hope it works.

Oh, and a little PSA* to boot: be like Earl. Remember to turn off lights when you leave the room. Electricity doesn't grow on trees. And even if it did, you shouldn't waste it. After all, you don't throw perfectly good apples, avocados, or other tree-growing things away, do you now? So unless your light is a beacon to some sort of precious cargo*, when away you walk, be a dear and make it dark.*.
Thursday January 29 2009File under: comic

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FC 59 - Failure Leads to Failure

I didn't want to have to say a bunch of stuff just to save layout on this one, hence the oversized portion. But as always, click to see the whole shebang.

Oh, and this is dedicated to all those lawyers, whether official or still working on it.
Friday January 23 2009File under: comic

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FC 58 - Friends Can Be So Fickle

Putting googly eyes on any inanimate object makes it funny if you ask me. I'm hoping that at least that will elicit a chuckle, even if the comic itself doesn't.

Gosh, not much else to say, but lots of space to fill up lest the whole formatting of the blog go askew.


I guess I could put out the call for artists again. I know I've been drawing a lot of the comics recently, with varying degrees of success *ahem*. I'm always game for trying to get a new artist into the mix. I've got a list of ideas. You can take your pick. Any takers?
Thursday January 15 2009File under: comic

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FC 57 - RoShamBo...On a Higher Level

Now that I'm back home it's time to start back up with the Friday comics. I had one all lined up for last week, but I figured no one was going in to work on the Friday after New Year's Day, and since part of the idea behind the comic series is to give cubicle jockeys and others who work behinds computers a chance at a giggle, I thought I would save the comic for this week.

I feel obligated to apologize for the funky color pattern stuff in this one. Windows Power Tools image resizer seems to do not nearly as good a job with .gifs as with .jpegs. Alas. (For the hard core large screen high resolution folk, you can view the slightly larger but with better color version here.)

(Oh, and Andrew, don't forget about that $11 you owe me from your epic RoShamBo loss on Tuesday. Epic!)
Thursday January 8 2009File under: comic

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