FC 166 - Actors Show Us the Way

For every idea that eventually makes it to Friday Comics, there are probably 3 that don't. This is not for lack of hilarity, but merely from not remembering to write the idea down. Quite often, an amusing situation will arise in my life where someone will say "That would make a great comic!" looking my direction. I try to keep track, but I often fail.

Anyway, this idea was among such real life occurrences. After we all had a good laugh at the awkward situation I was put in and my oh so clever escape, someone said "You should make that a comic!". And I did. So there.

(There was some discussion as to whether people would get the whole "Line." reference. Do you? You might think you don't, but you do and it just isn't that funny. "Line." is what actors say when they don't know/remember what to say next, right? Did you get it? Well, I hope at least someone had a chuckle.)
Thursday May 10 2012File under: comic


FC 165 - The Immutable Laws of Science

Sometimes I have a hard time bringing myself to keep making these Friday Comics. The couch is so comfy and it's not like I didn't already spend all day dinking around on the computer*. But then there's always some reason that reminds me of why I do it. Occasionally, ever so occasionally, I make a comic that makes someone giggle. In my daily dinking yesterday, I found evidence of just such a causation; I saw that someone read every single one of my comics start to finish....on an iPhone! I didn't see where they came from or have any idea where they are from*, but seeing those page hits back to back to back sure made me smile.

So with that thought in mind, I proudly present you this week's Friday Comic. And even if this one doesn't elicit giggles out there on the interweb, I laughed. Good times. Happy Friday!
Friday April 20 2012File under: comic


FC 164 - Believe Everything You Read

This comic makes me smile more than most. Not only do I think it is pretty dang funny, it relates to my world. I always find myself starting off statements with exactly that phrase (or "I heard an interesting piece on NPR recently") just to try and get away with something. In most cases, I actually did read/hear said interesting note, but still.

For you doubters out there, I offer you these links: beds, Prius*, and wine. The booger one, however, I made up. Too bad, though. That would be an interesting article.

Anyhoo, happy Friday! And happy Easter! You know, I read an interesting article recently that said chocolate eggs are actually better for you than real eggs. I'm just saying...
Thursday April 5 2012File under: comic


FC 163 - Sprung!

Guess who has to mow the lawn today? Go ahead, guess. I'll give you three tries...but the first two don't count. But seriously, I don't mind mowing the lawn, esp. on a gorgeous day like today. And besides, our mower is battery powered electric, so no gas fumes for me!

For this week's Friday Comic, I brought in a protege, the person I hope to take over for me once I move on to bigger and better things*. Punksto had a stab at today's comic theme and this was the result. Perhaps there are a few more years of apprenticeship necessary. Anyway I really like the whole two different takes on the same comic idea (tried once before here) and hope to do it more in the future.

(Speaking of Punksto, I blame her for the lateness of this comic. Instead of busting out the comic on Thursday night so it is available for everyone first thing Friday morning, I was instead catching up* with my favorite niece.)
Friday March 23 2012File under: comic

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FC 162 - Swimming (In Style) With the Fishes

Someone once said of my Friday Comics, "they may not be that funny or that well-drawn, but they are always there!"* Well, now I don't even have that. Instead of every Friday, I've only been managing a comic every other Friday for the past month or so. I'd like to promise that is going to change, or that the quality or funniness will increase to make up for the loss of reliability. But, alas, I can't. I will, however, keep trying!

On a super fun note, the folks over at Potluck Comics featured one of my comics for the third time! While I've vowed not to bow to their you-be-our-promoter business plan, I will say that I like the service they provide and they are worth checking out. If you do happen to cruise over there, I suppose you might as well give my comic an upvote.
Thursday March 8 2012File under: comic

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FC 161 - The Meta Catholic

As I must start every post that includes a comic that is even vaguely religious in nature, I'd like to apologize if this comic offends anyone. That is not my intention in the least.

The last minute nature of this comic might have been a hardship but that I was helped out in making the tough decisions and drawing procedures * that I so often can get hung up on. Three cheers for cooperative comicking!

Happy Friday! And I would like to thank each and every one of you* for not giving up Blog du Wren for Lent.
Friday February 24 2012File under: comic

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FC 160 - Those Airline Peanuts Go Straight To My Thighs

A couple of quick notes: I'm trying out a new format for my comic posts. This way is nice because 1) No need to click to bring up the full comic* 2) I don't have to write a blurb of a certain length to make the layout all work right (which saves everybody from needless rambling). Also, I got another comic featured over at Potluck Comics*, which is kind of neat.

Anyway, hope you enjoy today's comic. And may you all avoid body cavity searches.
Thursday February 9 2012File under: comic


FC 159 - Variance Application

The deserted island is a staple in single panel comics. I'm surprised I've avoided it for as long as I have*. When thinking about a comic for today, none of the ideas on my ever growing ideas list was striking my fancy, so I set to thinking about deserted islands. Boy did I come up with a few.

There are no less than 4 punch lines that crossed my mind for this drawing alone. What about you? I know you've got one. Share it in the comments. I was thinking maybe I'll try to do a series of deserted island comics, but we'll see how this one plays. Enjoy!

(P.S. I didn't win over at Potluck Comics. Alas. Thanks for all your votes, though. I've entered another comic but I don't know if it'll get accepted. If it does, I won't beg for votes like last time. One time being a freelance promoter is enough.)
Thursday January 26 2012File under: comic

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FC 158 - Talk About a Niche Market

So you just get into the office. Your cup of coffee is hot in your hands, you're just wiping the snow off your shoulders, and you sit down at your computer. Naturally the first thing you do is bring up Blog du Wren, since it is Friday and you need your comic fix. Well, the second thing you should do is click through to Potluck Comics and like, tweet, and comment your little heart out*. There, now doesn't that feel better, having helped me win $250 and attain my life long goal of becoming a professional comic maker guy?

Now you can go back and appreciate today's comic, esp. the detail with which the background greetings cards were made. "Wow, he drew each and everyone one of those cards. I bet that took forever," you say to yourself. Well, I told you a thousand times not to exaggerate.

Today is the last day of voting over at Potluck Comics so I won't be playing the shill any more (although if I get another comic featured, I might tastefully advertise the fact). (This whole getting others to do your advertising for you via social networking, etc. really gets my goat. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if a post bubbles up out of it. If I win the big moneys, however, I might feel differently.)
Thursday January 19 2012File under: comic

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FC 157 - Waste Not Want Not

In all this hubbub surround my entry over at Potluck Comics*, I've been thinking more and more about Friday Comics, my motivation, etc. Is that old adage of "if it makes just one person laugh, it's worth it" really true? What if it doesn't make anyone laugh? Or what if I never know? All these thoughts have been swirling of late. But enough about that.

In a brief glance back at my comics folder, I sure have a lot of kitchen/food related comics. Hmmm....I wonder if that means something. I do like to eat! And to cook, at least for myself. Maybe not so much for big groups, at least anymore. But enough about that.

Anyhoo, happy Friday! I hope you have a chuckle at poor Chef Bourchard*. Or maybe you'll get a little inspiration for your next salad!
Thursday January 12 2012File under: comic

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