The Amazing Race

People often ask me what goes on at juggling festivals. "Juggling...duh!" I helpfully reply. But it is often so much more, esp. in the case of Lopez Jugglefest. The non-juggling shenanigans are often pretty epic. To that end, as promised in that earlier post, here's footage of the Epic Footrace of 2010. (I think there was only one club related injury reported*.)
Tuesday September 28 2010File under: juggling, video

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The End of Summer

[Aside from the upcoming 3 consecutive weekends of fun (soapbox, lopez juggling fest, and frisbee tournament,] summer is over. I think I'll go throw myself off a cliff.

Bummer video quality (although surprisingly good for a phone), so I apologize for that. Also, please accept my apology for the blatant filler content.
Tuesday September 7 2010File under: video, quarry

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One Trick Pony

A couple of weeks ago, I again took the stage at Vaudevillingham. For 2010, I made a resolution that I would try my hand at performing more than I have in the past. Yeah, I know that in the past I've said that I'm not a performer, and I still stand by that, but I want to be comfortable on stage and to enjoy it. The only way to go about that is to do it. Do it, do it, do it.*.

I know the video isn't great quality. I was holding out to get some clearer pictures so you could see the awesome costume Deanna and I made. You've probably all see the trick before, though. Anyway, just like with my last Vaudevillingham performance, the whole gag was in the costume/props. I was introduced as a one trick pony, was dressed like a pony, and did one trick. Get it?
Sunday February 28 2010File under: video

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Taiwan and Japan Slideshow

I was waiting for a few additional images to come in before putting this together, but I'm just too antsy. Everybody seems to love a slideshow, so I wanted to get it out ASAP. If the images do come in, I'll post a few of them in the comments or something.

I tried to use only pictures that weren't posted on the blog from the trip, although you'll probably recognize some of them because they greatly resemble pics I did post. I also more or less tried to maintain the trip's timeline throughout, so if you see a picture towards the end of the slideshow, it probably happened near the end of the trip.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did putting it together. Oh, and make sure you've got the sound on. The music really sets the mood.
Tuesday May 5 2009File under: travel, video

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Grenada Slideshow

One of the best things to do when returning from a trip is to review photos. For me, it helps me recapture a bit of the adventure and wonder when it is usually quite needed. (Post-vacation blues is no laughing matter). I went back and forth on whether to do a slideshow set to music or a captioned, proceed-at-your-own-pace slideshow. Since I am too lazy to write clever* captions and all the fancy javascript to go along with the latter option, I opted for the former. I hope you like it.

Many thanks to Maggie for letting me pull from her photos in addition to mine. Any really good photo was probably taken by her. Oh, and Sean, the star wipe at the end is just for you. Oh2, and I used Vimeo instead of YouTube this time because YouTube didn't like that I was using copyrighted music for the soundtrack. Alas.
Wednesday January 14 2009File under: video, travel

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Apple Splitting Fun

In a further attempt to keep this blog at least somewhat interesting between my travels, I present you with this video I took of myself the other afternoon. A couple years back, a friend taught me how to split an apple with my bare hands. I hadn't done it in quite some time, hence the less than smooth performance. Still I think it is pretty neat.

Do you know any good food tricks? I was thinking of trying to work up a vaudeville-ish style act to demonstrate a bunch of food-related tricks. So far, I've got the t(r)oothpicks/saltshaker/forks balance, the speedy hard boiled egg peel, various grape toss/catch tricks, and this apple thing. I think I will need to find a few more before I am ready for Broadway.
Wednesday June 25 2008File under: misc, video

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Not Stupid Enough

Here's the story*: while waiting in line to attend the David Letterman show, they make you fill out a survey with your name, age, where you're from, etc. It also has a place to highlight any stupid pet tricks your pet might be able to do, famous people you may have met, and stupid human tricks you might be able to do. Thinking that the field was required (and that if anyone knows a stupid human trick or two it would be me), I filled it in, thinking nothing further of it.

Sure enough, the next day, I get an e-mail from the show asking how I came about knowing this unique trick of mine and if I had a video I could share with them. I was on the road so I postponed a filming session until I got home. And after practicing a bit*, this is what I got (view the video above or check it out here on YouTube).

I sent it off last week and haven't heard back. Judging by the speed of their response last time and lack of a response this time, I can only assume that my trick just isn't stupid enough for them. Or maybe it is too stupid. Either way, there went my hopes and dreams of being on the David Letterman show, at least for now. Next on the agenda: come up with an even stupider trick.
Monday May 12 2008File under: video, misc

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4000 Miles Video

Inspired by a video put together by a friend of some of his transportation experiences in SE Asia, I decided to put together a little video of my recent scooter trip. I've got a long way to go before expecting an Emmy nomination in the mail, but it ain't bad for having only a 5 year old digital still camera and free editing software that comes with windows. If the inline version doesn't work, click here to go directly to the YouTube page.

Oh, and for kicks, here are a couple pictures about the making of the video.
Monday June 11 2007File under: video, travel

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Internet Video-athon

It's a rainy day here in Anacortes, perfect for catching up on the latest happenings on the interweb ( I ever fall behind). But besides the latest goings-on, it is sometimes worth reminiscing over the gems that have had their time in the spotlight and then moved along. I almost consider it a crime to hear when a friend hasn't seen (or even heard of) some of my favorites, so I thought I would use this opportunity to share.

Because I have frisbee on the brain right now, I can't pass up sharing this gem (8MB .mov). If that doesn't get you inspired to play, then nothing will. Or if politics are your thing, check out these two classics of Will Ferrell impersonating President Bush. Here (QuickTime or YouTube) is one of my ultimate favorites: an ad for Sony's Bravia TV (worth watching in the high quality QuickTime).

I know there have been a ton more over the years, but none come to mind immediately. And since sharing is a two-way street, you should leave a link to your favorite internet video in the comments for us all to enjoy. Ain't sharing a beautiful thing?
Saturday June 9 2007File under: video, links

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April Fool

or click here to go directly to YouTube page

Saturday March 31 2007File under: beard, video

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*Horge on A Whirlwind Eclipse Adventure
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*Mom on Mother Wrenger in the Nutcracker

Recent Content:
*A Whirlwind Eclipse Adventure
*Mother Wrenger in the Nutcracker
*Malta Bene!
*2023 Performance Review
*Twas the Night 2023
*Recycled Plastic Christmas Ornaments
*Halloween Act 2023 - Dueling Banjos
*Walk Like MADD 2023
*New Stilting Costume
*Sleeping Around 2022-2023
*Project Hotdog Halfway Complete
*Giant Juggling Club

Websites du Friends:
* Wren the Juggler
My I-guess-I'm-a-Professional-Juggler juggling website
* Wren and Della
Della and my juggling website
* The Real Food Show
A circus-inspired elementary assembly show to teach kids about healthy eating
* Della Moustachella
Della's performance website
* The Fun Bags
Della and Sadye's Performance Troupe

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